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Materials are checked-in and cleared from a patron’s record when the items are returned. Patrons will be charged the full replacement cost for lost or damaged items. Fees incurred by the Library District to recover long overdue materials will be charged to the patron’s account. Approved by: Board of Trustees 5/19/93; 2/18/09     Approved by: Governing Board 5/27/93; 3/26/09       October, 2010 -A +A GAINESVILLE, FL- The Alachua County Library District recognized five staff members with nominations for the Carol Combs  Hole Award. Each year, the Alachua County Library District honors the memory of Carol Combs Hole by recognizing an employee or group for an outstanding project that exemplifies “thinking outside the book” to broaden, enhance, improve or promote library services and community outreach. This year five nominees were selected by their peers to receive recognition for their outstanding service to the community. Of the five nominees selected allegra side effects muscle pain and recognized, Adult Services Library Specialist Nathaniel Courtney was selected as the 2010 Carol Combs Hole award winner.   Collection Development -A +A The Alachua County Library District (ACLD) is an independent special taxing district and the sole provider of public library services to approximately 250,000 citizens in Alachua County.   ACLD's goal is to provide all community members with free, open and equal access to education, information and entertainment. DISTRICT MISSION It is the mission of ACLD to collect, organize, and make accessible recreational, educational, informational, and cultural resources to meet the changing needs of Alachua County residents of all ages, cultures and economic backgrounds.     Provides the greatest possible number of Alachua County citizens with access to materials and services, allegra banquets photos supplementing those available in other area allegra banquets photos libraries, but avoiding unnecessary duplication. The District makes available the following (in allegra banquets photos priority order): Print, non-print and digital materials Information and Reference services allegra banquets photos Programs to increase literacy, provide information, and encourage library use.    Develops community awareness of library services and encourages their use by all population groups. PURPOSE OF THE COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT POLICY allegra banquets photos The purpose of this Collection Development allegra banquets photos and Maintenance Policy is to guide librarians and to allegra banquets photos inform the public of the principles upon which decisions are made regarding the selection of library materials. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTION The ultimate responsibility allegra banquets photos for selecting materials for the Library rests with the Library Director, who in turn, delegates selection responsibilities to appropriate staff members. Suggestions from the general public are encouraged and are evaluated by the staff based on the District's criteria for selection. GUIDING PRINCIPLES AND INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM To provide a resource where free people can examine many points of view and make informed decisions is one of the essential purposes of the public library in America. The Alachua County Library District subscribes fully to the principle of the American Library Association's "LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS,” "FREEDOM TO READ" statement and accompanying interpretations (see Appendix 1 Library Bill of Rights Policy) and recognizes its responsibility to provide diverse materials within service level guidelines and limitations of space, budget, and availability. ACLD does not promulgate particular beliefs or views, nor is the selection of any given item equivalent to endorsement of the viewpoint of the author or producer. The collection is designed to serve the needs and interests of the community as a whole.

Selections are made on the merits of the work in building balanced collections. ACLD recognizes that many materials are controversial but the selections cannot be made on the basis of anticipated allegra banquets photos approval or disapproval. Nor can the selection process be inhibited by the fact that children and young adults have access to the entire collection. Parents or guardians who wish to limit or restrict the use of library materials by their own children should personally oversee their selections. ACLD welcomes expression of opinion by patrons but does not attempt to please all patrons by eliminating items purchased after due deliberation under this policy.

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