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       Roof Leases for Two l00kWp Photovoltaic Systems (Gainesville Regional Utilities Feed-in-Tariff)   Staff Recommended Action: Approve award of Bid #10-434 Rebid to Solar Impact, Inc. as the highest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications; authorize the Library Director to negotiate and execute a 20 year lease with Solar Impact, Inc. in substantially the form attached of rooftop space at the Millhopper and Headquarters libraries for placement of photovoltaic solar panels. In addition, authorize the Library Director to execute the GRU Solar Energy Purchase Agreement (SEPA) and assign it to the lessor upon execution of the lease.   Library Director Sol Hirsch presented the above item.   Governor Hawkins moved to approve award of Bid #10-434 Rebid to Solar Impact, Inc. as the highest responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications; authorize the Library Director to negotiate and execute a 20 year lease with Solar Impact, Inc. in substantially the form attached of rooftop space at the Millhopper and Headquarters libraries for placement of photovoltaic solar panels. In addition, authorize the Library Director to execute the GRU Solar Energy Purchase Agreement (SEPA) and assign it to the lessor upon execution of the lease. GOVERNING BOARD COMMENT   There were no comments from members of the Governing Board. CITIZEN COMMENT   Chair Roy recognized Hunt Davis who presented comments to allegra coupon cvs the Board. ADJOURNMENT   There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 A. Irby, Clerk to the Library District Governing Board ACLD Main Menu Thursday, April 28, 2011 – 10:30 A. Meeting Room A – Headquarters Library 401 East University Avenue  Gainesville, Florida   The Alachua County Library District Governing Board met in regular session.   PRESENT:            Governors Mike Byerly, Thomas Hawkins, Scherwin Henry, Lee Pinkoson, and allegra coupon cvs Eileen Roy ABSENT:              Governor Paula M. DeLaney ALSO PRESENT:   Library Director Sol Hirsch, Administrative Services Division Director Shaney Livingston, Assistant County Attorney William Harlan, Clerk to the Board J. Irby, Assistant Clerk/Finance Director allegra coupon cvs Todd Hutchison, Deputy Clerk Bob Decker   The meeting was not televised.        allegra coupon cvs CALL TO ORDER AND ELECTION OF GOVERNING BOARD CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Clerk J.           Governor Pinkoson moved to appoint Governor Scherwin Henry as allegra coupon cvs Chair of the Library District Governing Board.   The motion carried 4-0, with Chair Henry out of the room. Irby opened the allegra coupon cvs floor for nominations for Vice-Chair.           Governor Byerly moved to appoint Governor Paula M. DeLaney as Vice-Chair of the Library District Governing Board.   The motion carried 4-0, with Chair Henry out of the room.       APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA           Governor Roy moved adoption of the Consent Agenda.           (The items on the Consent Agenda are of a routine nature.

  The motion to approve the Consent Agenda approved all items and recommended allegra coupon cvs actions on the Consent Agenda.       Warrant Lists           Staff Recommended Action: Approve the attached Warrant Lists.        Minutes of Meetings Staff Recommended Action: Approve the Minutes of the February 10, 2011 Regular Governing Board meeting and the February 24, 2011 Minutes of the Joint Governing Board allegra generic side effects & Board of Trustees Long Range Plan Workshop.        Resolution 11-01 – Authorizing Signatories on the Library District Accounts Staff Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 11-01 and authorize the Governing Board allegra coupon cvs Chair and Vice Chair to execute all signature cards.       Policy Statement – Public Programming Policy Staff Recommended Action: Approve the revisions to the Public Programming Policy Statement.        Policy Statement – Collection Development and Maintenance Policy Staff Recommended Action: Approve the revisions to the Collection Development and Maintenance Policy Statement.        Policy Statement – Circulation of Materials and Patron Registration Staff Recommended Action: Approve the Circulation of Materials and Patron Registration Policy Statement.

    APPROVAL OF THE REGULAR AGENDA           Governor Roy moved approval of the Regular Agenda.       Alachua County Library District General Obligation Refunding Bond Series 2011 Staff Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 11-02 and the Escrow Deposit Agreement and authorize the Chair and Clerk to the Library to sign these documents and all of the closing documents.           Assistant Clerk/Finance Director Todd Hutchison presented the above item.           Governor Roy moved to approve Resolution 11-02 and the Escrow Deposit Agreement and authorize the Chair and Clerk to the Library to sign these documents and all allegra x-12r of the closing documents.        Library Appreciation Month – April 2011 Staff Recommended Action: Proclaim April 2011 Library Appreciation Month in the Alachua County Library District.

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