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  Press Release Archive -A +A Search for books and more: Your Library -A +A The Alachua County Library District (ACLD) is an independent special taxing district and the sole provider of public library services to approximately 250,000 citizens in Alachua County. ACLD's goal is to provide all community members with free, open and equal access to education, information, and entertainment. Find out more about the core values at the heart of all services we offer. Including branch locations in Alachua, Archer, Hawthorne, High Springs, Micanopy, Newberry, Waldo, and 4 locations in Gainesville.

  The Library also operates two bookmobiles and multiple deposit collections throughout the county. Library Policies -A +A Search for books and more: Brady Trust Fund -A +A ALACHUA COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICTPOLICY STATEMENTApproved by: Board of Trustees 1/21/98Approved by: Governing allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion Board 2/12/98In accordance with the Alachua County Library District Gifts and DonationsPolicy, the Governing Board has designated that Brady Trust Funds bemaintained in an amount equivalent to the amount at the year of donation, i. ,inflation will be considered and the principal increased annually to counteract theeffects of inflation. In addition, all earnings from the Brady Trust Fund in excessof the amount equivalent for inflation may be used to purchase items for thelibrary collection, purchase library equipment, be reinvested in the Trust Fund; orused in combination for the library collection, library equipment and reinvestmentin the Trust. The amount to be expended and/or reinvested from all excessearnings will be determined from year to year during the annual budget processin accordance with this policy. Circulation of Materials & Patron Registration -A +A Policy The Alachua County Library District will provide residents of the state of Florida access to services and a variety of materials for in-house use, checkout allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion and through electronic means.

The District will maintain control and accountability for these materials. Regulations Library cards are free to all Florida residents or allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion property owners. Library Card Required to borrow allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion materials and also allows remote allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion access to subscription databases and digital media. Adults (18 and older) must provide picture allegro bus diesel identification and verification of Florida residence. Minors (17 and under) need a parent’s or guardian’s proof of address and signature. Adults lacking accepted identification and/or minors who do not have a parent or guardian’s proof of address or signature will be issued a card with allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion incomplete registration status, which limits allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion borrowing to two items at a time. Out-of-state residents who own property within the State of Florida are eligible for a free library card upon presentation of picture identification and verification of property ownership. Out-of-state residents who do not own property in the State of Florida may purchase an out-of-state card for a non-refundable fee of $40. The requirements for identification also apply to out-of-state cards. eCard Allows remote access to subscription databases and digital media, and requires proof of identification. AttachmentSize pdf Version: Circulation of Materials & Patron Registration Policy22. 46 KB Distributing Material, Canvassing,Performing or Speaking on Library Property -A +A  ALACHUA COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT POLICY STATEMENT   Distributing Material, Canvassing, Performing or Speaking on Library Property Approved by:  Board of Trustees 12/17/08 Approved by: Governing Board 02/26/09 Policy The Alachua County Library District recognizes and supports the public’s rights to free speech that includes presenting speeches, distributing petitions or other information, and advocating views or positions. However, the Library District also has an obligation to provide library services to allegra d 12 hour allergy and congestion the public in an environment where access and privacy are maintained allegria bridal boutique and where safe and unobstructed ingress and egress to Library District property is provided. Therefore, the Library District has established this policy to allow free speech while ensuring that the rights of others to use Library District facilities are not impeded. Note: This policy pertains to the use of the Library District grounds and not the inside of the Library District buildings. Persons wishing to reserve a designated meeting space on Library District property should refer to the Meeting Room/Outdoor Spaces or Exhibit and Display policies, or speak with the person in charge of the Library District facility they would like to use.

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