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If you need an immediate response, please call us during regular business hours at (352) 334-3934. If your question concerns using this website, please email the eBranch. Books, Movies, Music -A +A Chat with a Florida librarian during these hours: Sunday through Thursday:10 a. NEW: Text a Librarian Mobile users can now text a question to (352) 354-2991.

Just type acl as the first three letters at the beginning of your brief text message, and send. login Alternate Catalog Alachua County Library District TOP Interlibrary Loan -A +A Registered ILLiad users, click here. First time users, please read about service below before registering. Library cardholders may request materials that are not owned by the Library but are at libraries throughout Florida and the United States. Requests may include: Books Photocopies of articles or allegra east village book chapters Microfilm Anyone with an ACLD library card in good standing may request ILL services in the following ways: Online with the ILLiad service (Preferred method) By phone In person using the green request cards available at any library service desk ACLD does not charge for ILL service, but other libraries might charge processing fees or fines on overdue ILLs. ILLs are more valuable than most ACLD materials and overdue ILLs will immediately block your account. Renewals must be requested at least 3 days before the due date, and ILLs should be returned at a check-in desk. Please check the Interlibrary Loan section of our FAQs for details. ILLiad allegra east village service ILLiad is an online request service that processes ILLs. You only need to register once, allegra east village and you may check your requests allegra east village online at any time. ) If you already have an ILLiad account, please log in here. Request Materials -A +A Print all or part of this page with PrintWhatYouLike. After clicking the link, slowly move allegra east village your cursor until the red box allegra east village selects the area you want to print, then click "Isolate" in the hovering toolbar, then print. eGovernment -A +A allegra manufacturer print all or part of this page with PrintWhatYouLike. After clicking the link, slowly move your cursor until the red box selects the area you allegra east village want to print, then click "Isolate" in the allegra east village hovering toolbar, then print. Research -A +A Each Research Category page provides a selected list of websites on allegra east village that subject. Check out the categories listed in the Delicious cloud below. Just click on a allegra east village category to access the Library's full bank of suggested websites. Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and allegra east village share web pages from a centralized source. With emphasis on the power of the community, Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the Internet.

Research Category: Genealogy -A +A Print all or part of this page with PrintWhatYouLike. After clicking the link, slowly allegra east village move your cursor until the red box selects the area you want to print, then click "Isolate" in the hovering toolbar, then print. Research Category: Local History -A +A Print all or part of this page with PrintWhatYouLike. After clicking the link, slowly move your cursor until the red box selects the area you want to print, then click "Isolate" in the hovering toolbar, then print. Protecting Your Privacy -A +A Here are some tips you can use to protect your privacy and personal information while using the Library and our website: Change the PIN associated with your library card number. When you originally get your card, your PIN is the same as the last four digits of your 14-digit library card number. Change your PIN another 4-digit number that you can remember. Never share allegra east village your library card, library card number or PIN with anyone. You are responsible for anything checked out to your card. Alert library staff immediately if you lose your library card, by calling the Circulation Department at 352-334-3950. If you call, an alert can be placed on your account so no one else can use it. The next time you visit your library branch, a new card number can be issued, and any holds and checkouts can be transferred to the new card number. When using catalog and research computers in the library, be sure to close your web browser window if you access your account. That will log you out and end your catalog session and prevent anyone else from using your account. At any computer that you share with others, avoid saving your library card PIN, and log out or close the browser when you finish a library session.

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