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I apologize for the length of this email, but wanted to make sure I addressed your questions. First, I would like to start by acknowledging that the quarterly report that you reviewed was through June 30 (3rd quarter of the Plan’s fiscal year). I was able to run the reports for the quarter ending Sept. 30th and review these with the Committee this week. I have attached a copy of this new report for your reference, and I would like to make a few comments regarding this more recent quarter report. During this quarter, the Plan restructured its investments for a couple of reasons including moving to a new custodial bank Regions (who will now handle all of the Plan’s trust operations), funded a new international equity portfolio, inflation protected portfolio, and an actively managed bond portfolio, as well this helped with some cost controls for the Plan. So you can see on page 14 the Plan ended with approx $14. 5m with assets close to the target weights of 50%-Domestic stocks, 10% International Stocks, 40% fixed income/cash—and on page 15 you can see the new manager structure. With this said, you can then see page 20 which indicates the performance for the Plan, allegra fruit juice interaction and with the strong markets in Sept. 38% for the fiscal year is good as it exceeds the 7. 75% assumed rate of return that allegra fruit juice interaction the actuary uses for determining allegra fruit juice interaction pension costs. As you can see the returns in the first column for Sept. you can see that the equity portfolios significantly outperformed fixed income, and allegra fruit juice interaction the new international equity portfolio allegra fruit juice interaction led the asset classes, and helped the Plan returns. ’s results allegra fruit juice interaction representing the first full month of allegra fruit juice interaction the change to the generic allegra suspension plan’s allegra fruit juice interaction investment program I am comfortable with these changes and feel the portfolio is well positioned. OK, sorry for all of that, I just wanted to bring you allegra fruit juice interaction up-to-date, so to your questions: -- From allegra fruit juice interaction the last meeting it appeared the allegra fruit juice interaction committee desired to take allegra d over the counter as safe and prosperous investment strategy approach as possible. Should we reconsider the asset allocations between fixed income and/or domestic equity? The results you are referring to relate to the quarter allegra fruit juice interaction ending June 30th, where there was a lot of concern regarding Foreign Debt, particularly Greece, and this caused stock markets to detract during the quarter and subsequently bonds to do well. However, looking at the long-term, in order to help the Plan exceed its assumed rate of return we need to have stocks as a return generation component, while we expect times of pullbacks in the stock market, we believe over the longer term stocks should outperform fixed income, but allegra fruit juice interaction you can see why we create a balanced mix of stocks and bonds to help us mitigate extreme return movements—ie. when stocks go down the bonds are there to take some of the pressure off. Which is what they did in that quarter, but as you can see here this quarter the stock portfolios helped and drove returns. Lastly, with the economic events from 2008-2010 , bonds have done well, but this has come at the expense of driving down interest rates, so in this extremely low interest rate environment, we can expect that future returns will need to come from over assets classes, not fixed income, if we wish to achieve the 7. --After reading pages 2-9, what one area accounts for this decline and when can we expect to recoup generic allegra d otc this quarters lost and perhaps make some gains?
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