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Back to top IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS | Privacy Policy | Support Powered by OverDrive® Digital Library Reserve™ | Help Headquarters Library: 401 E University Avenue, Gainesville FL 32601 | (352) 334-3900 Copyright © 2005-2009 Alachua County Library District Please report any problems with this website to the eBranch at websupport@aclib. us Hurricane Season -A +A Hurricane season is June 1st through November 30. Alachua County Library district has many factual books on the subject. In the library aquabrowser catalog enter "Florida's Hurricane allegra hicks waves History' and not only a book with that name but it will show several others for you to explore.   A very important address to famillarize yourself with is: http://alerts. x=FLC001 This page shows Watches, Warnings or Advisories and alerts currently in effect for Alachua county and is normally updated every two-three minutes. Summer Program -A +A Science Mike will be coming to High Springs June 21, 2011, at 2:30.   While you are in the Library be allegra hicks waves sure to get that book you've been wanting to read. Summer Program -A +A Science Mike will be coming to High Springs June 21, 2011, at 2:30.   While you are in the Library be sure to get that book you've been wanting to read. AnnR's blog -A +A Science Mike will be coming to High allegra hicks waves Springs June 21, 2011, at 2:30.   While you are in the Library be sure to get that book you've been wanting to read. WIC-HIGH SPRINGS CLINIC -A +A WHO:        The NCFL WIC programWHAT:       WIC Clinic in High SpringsWHERE:     High allegra hicks waves Springs Branch Library                  135 NW ! st Ave                  High Springs FlWHEN:     2nd and 4th Mondays from 9:30am-3:00pm WHY:        To increase WIC services to residents of the High Springs areaHOW:        Working in partnership with the University of Florida                   Mobile Health Outreach bus and High Springs Branch Library                    Just goodyear allegra reviews come to the library or schedule an appointment at 352 392-4493 extension 1 WIC -A +A WHO:        The NCFL WIC programWHAT:       WIC allegra hicks waves Clinic in High SpringsWHERE:     High Springs Branch Library                  135 NW !

st Ave                  High Springs FlWHEN:     2nd and 4th Mondays from 9:30am-3:00pm allegra hicks waves WHY:        To increase WIC services to residents of the High Springs areaHOW:        Working in partnership with the University of Florida  barred -A +A Search for books and more: account -A +A Search for books and more: bills -A +A Search for books and more: holds -A +A Search for books and more: payments -A +A Search for books and more: PayPal -A +A Search for books and more: vacation -A +A Search for books and more: reserves -A +A Search for books and more: Trouble with Catalog search? -A +A Some allegra hicks waves Library users are reporting a problem with searching the Catalog. While Library staff are working to fix this, please use the "alternate catalog," available allegra waves hicks via the Place Holds selection in the website's Search box. Just enter your search words in the box, select "Place holds," and go. You may also access it directly at http://cs-lewis.           books -A +A The ever-expanding genre of chick lit owes a huge debt to Jane Austen, whose novels of social satire opened the fascinating world of women's fiction to a much wider audience. Chick lit is much more than romance between the pages. It is instead a genre where "the stories are funny, the heroines likeable, and lessons are learned", to quote ChickLit blog founder Samantha Robey. In honor of international chick lit month, the Alachua County Library District would like to offer patrons some of the classics of chick lit, and also some worthy contemporary authors. eBranch's blog -A +A Some Library users are reporting a problem with searching the Catalog. While Library staff are working to fix this, please use the "alternate catalog," available via the Place Holds selection in the website's Search box. Just enter your search words in the box, select "Place holds," and go. You may also access it directly at http://cs-lewis.

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