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They provide constantly updated access to information as well as full-text access to many periodicals and newspapers. Databases are used by the library staff to provide reference service and most are accessible by patrons at home. Many of the databases contain specialized information beyond the scope of the library's print collections; others have information that does not exist in print format. There are also a decreasing number of databases which duplicate print sources. When this occurs, the allegra orange juice mechanism two resources are evaluated side-by side to see which format should be purchased and whether the print should be retained with consideration to cost, frequency of use, and ease of access to library users. Databases, particularly periodical and newspaper databases are purchased as aggregated packages.   For the selection and purchase of these resources, the package as a whole is the service being evaluated and selected; individual parts and pieces are generally not available. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COUNTY DOCUMENTS The Alachua County Library District does not serve as an official depository for local government.   Selected documents are cataloged and added to the collection when appropriate as to content, demand, and availability of space.   Withdrawals from this "special" collection are made with public use in mind. The Headquarters collection includes documents from the Library District, the City of Gainesville, Alachua County, the allegra orange juice mechanism School Board and GRU, as well as other allegra orange juice mechanism local agencies and boards.   Branch library collections contain their local codes of ordinance, recent ordinances and School reports on schools within a Branch's service area when such reports are available. GENEALOGY COLLECTION allegra orange juice mechanism The Alachua County Library District develops and maintains basic materials to serve the needs of those patrons who are interested in doing genealogical research.   The focus of the collection is genealogical information relating to the State of Florida, especially information pertaining to local families and history.   Material dealing with the Southeastern area of the United States (Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina) is also considered a priority for collection allegra orange juice mechanism development.   Though not comprehensive in all areas, allegra orange juice mechanism the collection is being developed as resources permit. The genealogy collection is housed primarily at the allegra orange juice mechanism Headquarters Library.   LOCAL HISTORY Materials, including photographs, which pertain to local history, are allegra orange juice mechanism found throughout the District-wide collection but reside primarily in the Headquarters collections. The allegra orange juice mechanism purpose of the Branch collections is to provide information allegra orange juice mechanism for their service area of the county. MANUSCRIPTS AND RARE BOOKS No attempt will be made by ACLD to purchase or collect rare books, manuscripts, or archival materials.   All donations will be subject to the principles stated in the Gift Policy. MATERIALS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES allegra orange juice mechanism ACLD provides materials for citizens with allegra orange juice mechanism disabilities in accordance with patron needs and the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.    Materials are judged by the same standards of content and format that apply to other materials purchased by ACLD. Selections of Large Print Books are available in all facilities and at selected Deposit Collection sites allegra orange juice mechanism that cater to seniors.

Talking books, machines, tapes, and Braille materials can be obtained from the Florida Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.   There is allegra orange juice mechanism also a small collection of these materials at ACLD. INTERLIBRARY LOANS The Interlibrary Loan system extends the limits of local collections by allowing registered Alachua County Library District cardholders to access materials in libraries throughout the country. COLLECTION MAINTENANCE MULTIPLE COPIES ACLD attempts to allegra orange juice mechanism weigh specific demand in relationship to the total library program, policies, and collection development goals. Multiple copies of materials in heavy demand are purchased.

ASSESSMENT AND WITHDRAWAL ACLD staff assesses all collections on a regularly scheduled basis.

Assessment consists of identifying needed materials and removing items which are no longer useful. Library materials may be considered for withdrawal from the collection based on the following considerations: physical condition, accuracy of information, duplication, allegra x-12r centrifuge timeliness of information, and circulation.   Materials withdrawn from the collection due to physical condition, dated contents, poor circulation, etc. , are donated to the Friends of the Library unless condition suggests disposal. REPLACEMENT ACLD does not automatically replace materials withdrawn or lost from the collection.   Need for replacement is considered in relation to several factors: number of remaining copies of titles; existence of newer or better material on a subject; budget constraints; and availability (out of print materials are rarely replaced).

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