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Publishers often require this sort of security in order to discourage the unlawful redistribution of digital content. If you have not previously performed the security upgrade, the first time that you attempt to download DRM-protected content, OverDrive Media Console checks to see if you need to complete the security upgrade. If a security upgrade is needed, a message is displayed notifying you that in order to download and play DRM-protected content, you must first upgrade the security of Windows Media Player. Follow the instructions provided in the message to complete the security update. Alternatively, you may complete the security upgrade at any time. Complete the security upgrade as follows… If you have Windows Media Player 11 (or newer)… While connected to the Internet, open OverDrive Media Console. Go to Tools > Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. A dialog box is displayed, notifying you that Windows Media Player requires a security upgrade to play DRM-protected content. Windows Media Player opens and the 'Windows Media Player' dialog box is displayed.

Click 'Upgrade' to download and install the required security allegra suspension uses component. Windows Media Player indicates that it is 'Connecting to server…'. Once connected, the security component is downloaded and installed. Windows Media Player indicates that the security component was upgraded successfully. Click the 'Close' button in the 'allegra suspension uses Windows Media Player' dialog box. The 'Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box is allegra suspension uses displayed. Click the 'Play' button in the 'Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box to complete the allegra goodman orthodox upgrade. Windows Media Player plays a brief file, confirming that you have completed the upgrade. Click the 'Cancel' button to allegra suspension uses close the 'Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box. If desired, you can also close Windows Media Player at this time. You allegra suspension uses have successfully completed the Windows Media allegra suspension uses Player Security Upgrade. If you have Windows Media Player 9 or 10… While connected to the Internet, open OverDrive Media Console. Go to Tools > Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. A dialog box is displayed, notifying you that Windows Media allegra suspension uses Player requires a security upgrade to play DRM-protected content.

Windows Media Player opens and, the 'allegra suspension uses Windows Media Player' dialog box is displayed.

Click 'Yes' in the 'Windows Media Player' dialog box to perform the upgrade.

The 'License allegra suspension uses Acquisition' dialog box is displayed, indicating that allegra suspension uses you have installed the Windows Media allegra suspension uses Player Security Upgrade. Click the 'Play' button in allegra suspension uses the 'License Acquisition' dialog box to complete the upgrade. Windows Media Player plays a allegra suspension uses brief file, confirming that you have completed the upgrade. If desired, you can also allegra suspension uses close Windows Media Player at this time. You have successfully completed the Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. If at a later time you need to upgrade the security of your Windows Media Player again, do so as follows… If you have allegra suspension uses Windows Media Player 11 (or newer)… While connected to the Internet, open OverDrive Media Console. Go to Tools > Windows Media Player Security Upgrade.

A dialog box is displayed, notifying you of your current Windows Media Player security version and offering the option to re-upgrade. Windows Media Player opens, and the 'Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box is displayed. Click 'Play' in the 'Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box to perform the upgrade. The 'allegra suspension uses Media Usage Rights Acquisition' dialog box closes, and Windows Media Player plays a brief allegra suspension uses file, confirming that you have completed allegra suspension uses the upgrade. If desired, you can close Windows Media Player at this time. You have successfully completed the Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. If you have Windows Media Player 9 or 10… While connected to the Internet, open OverDrive Media Console. Go to Tools > Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. A dialog box is displayed, notifying you of your current Windows Media Player security version and offering the option to allegra suspension uses re-upgrade. Windows Media Player opens, and the 'License Acquisition' dialog box is displayed. Click 'Play' in the 'License Acquisition' dialog box to perform the upgrade. The 'License Acquisition' allegra suspension uses dialog box closes, and Windows Media Player plays a brief file, confirming that you have completed the upgrade. If desired, you can close Windows Media Player at this time. You have successfully completed the Windows Media Player Security Upgrade. Back to top Why can't I transfer OverDrive Video titles directly to my iPod®, iPad™ or iPhone®, or use these files on my Mac®? OverDrive Video titles, provided by OverDrive, Inc. , use DRM protection technology from Microsoft Corporation. Unfortunately iPods and Macs do not currently support DRM-protected Windows Media Audio (WMA) or Windows Media Video (WMV) files.

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Services Regardless of Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Expression or Sexual Orientation Challenged player requires a security upgrade to play and sophistication to include a range of genres and stylistic approaches.