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Governing Board’s Performance Evaluation Form for the Library Director’s Evaluation and the Library Director’s Self Evaluation Staff Recommended Action: Complete the performance review form and submit it to the Governing Board Chair, via Ms. Rasch in Library Administration, by the deadline set by the Governing Board Chair. Library Director Sol Hirsch presented the above item. Chair Byerly requested that members of the Governing buy allegra d generic Board return their performance reviews of Mr. Chair Byerly recognized Laura Shaw who presented comments to the Board. Board of Trustees Minutes Staff Recommended Action: No action required. Library Director Sol Hirsch presented the above item. Monthly Statistical Reports (October and November 2009) Staff Recommended Action: No action required. Library Director Sol Hirsch presented the above item. Press Releases and Publicity allegra high quality video mallanna staff Recommended Action: No action required. Library Director Sol Hirsch presented the above item. Contracts Executed by the Library Director Staff Recommended Action: No buy allegra d generic action required. Library Director buy allegra d generic Sol Hirsch presented the above item. GOVERNING BOARD COMMENT Governor Chestnut requested details on an upcoming speaking engagement with Geoffrey Canada, founder of the Harlem Children’s Zone. Canada would be a keynote speaker at the 2010 Juvenile Justice Conference at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law. Irby, who stated that the Library buy allegra d generic District’s independent accounting firm, buy allegra d generic Davis, Monk & Co. , CPA5, has issued an unqualified (clean) audit opinion for the District’s FY09 buy allegra d generic Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:26 A. Irby, Clerk to the Library District Governing Board allegra goodman radcliffe governing Board -A +A Member Eileen F. RoySchool allegra hicks bikini board of buy allegra d generic Alachua CountyTerm: (4 years) November 2008 - buy allegra d generic November 2012 (352) 955-7880620 E buy allegra d generic University Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 Mike buy allegra d generic ByerlyBoard of County Commissioners - Alachua buy allegra d generic CountyTerm: (4 years) November 2008 - November 2012 (352) 264-690012 SE 1st Street P. Box 2877 Gainesville, FL 32602-2877 Thomas HawkinsGainesville City CommissionTerm: (1 year) May 2010 - May 2011 (352) 334-5016200 East University Avenue P. Box 490 Gainesville, FL 32602 Lee PinkosonBoard of County Commissioners - Alachua CountyTerm: (4 years) November 2010 - November 2014 (352) 264-690012 SE 1st Street P. Box 2877 Gainesville, FL 32602-2877 Chair Scherwin HenryGainesville City CommissionTerm: (3 years) May 2009 - May 2012 352-334-5016200 East University Avenue P. DeLaneyBoard of County Commissioners - Alachua CountyTerm: (4 years) November 2008 - November 2012 (352) 264-690012 SE 1st Street P. Box 2877 Gainesville, FL 32602-2877 February, 2010 -A +A Thursday, February 11, 2010 — 10:30 A. Meeting Room A — Headquarters Library 401 East University Avenue Gainesville, Florida PRESENT: Chair Mike Byerly, presiding, Vice Chair Eileen Roy, Governors Paula M. DeLaney and Scherwin Henry ABSENT: Governors Cynthia Moore Chestnut and Craig Lowe ALSO PRESENT: Library Director buy allegra d generic Sol Hirsch, County Attorney David Wagner, Clerk to the Board J. Irby, Assistant Clerk/Finance Director Todd Hutchison, Administrative Services Director Shaney T. Livingston, and Deputy Clerk Bob Decker The meeting was not televised. APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA Governor DeLaney moved approval of the Consent Agenda as circulated. (The items on the Consent Agenda are of a routine nature. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda approved all items and the recommended actions on the Consent Agenda. Warrant Lists Staff Recommended Action: Approve the Warrants List.
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