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Introductions Vivian Filer, Trustees Legislative Committee Chair, introduced Representative Chestnut and Legislative Assistants Michele Sherfield, Kristine Zooberg and Brian Delburn. She also introduced ACLD Board of Trustees and Governing Board members. Hirsch, Library Director, called for introductions of staff, Friends of the Library and Foundation Board of Directors. Hirsch, Library allegra cole photos director, presented the Library District’s requests for support by Legislators: 1. Support the Public Library Construction Grants Program O Impact on the Alachua County Library District - $500,000 O The Alachua County Library District project is allegra dosage chart ranked #8 on the Florida Department of State list of eligible applications. The grant will be used to construct an Eastside Branch Library in the City of Gainesville’s Cone Park. Support the Florida Library Association recommendation of $21. 3 Million for State Aid to Public Libraries O Governor Scott’s Economic Development Transition Team Recommended “Maintenance of Effort” Standards – Currently $21. 3 Million O Impact on the Alachua County Library District - $450,000 (est. ) ($350,000 directly and $100,000 in PAL Cooperative Funding) O Impact on the PAL (Putnam-Alachua-Levy) Public Library Cooperative - $350,000 O The Library District State Aid allocation has decreased by $450,000 since FY 2001. O Any reduction results in a decrease to the $8. 9 million in federal grant funds available to Florida’s libraries 3. Support at a Minimum allegra dosage chart the Current Funding Level for Multi-Type Library Cooperatives O Impact on the Alachua County Library District - $70,000 O The Library District paid a $900 membership and received about $70,000 in services and training from the Northeast Florida Library Information Network (NEFLIN) including 234 staff training sessions O Multi-type Library Cooperatives leverage state funds to obtain federal grants that support all types of Florida’s libraries. Support Funding the Community Libraries in Caring Grants - $200,000 O Provides literacy funding specifically allegra dosage chart for Florida’s small, rural public libraries Lisa Brasher, PAL Public Library Cooperative and Levy County Library Director, requested support of allegra dosage chart the continuation of State Aid to Libraries. Without this financial support to Levy County, allegra dosage chart Levy County Libraries would not be able to allegra dosage chart open their doors. Brasher provided statistical information regarding Levy County libraries to support her allegra dosage chart request. Representative Chestnut encouraged library advocates to allegra dosage chart continue to come to Tallahassee as they did last year allegra dosage chart and to keep Legislators and Legislative staff allegra drug interactions zoloft allegra dosage chart informed of their needs allegra otc vs allegra d and priorities throughout the year. Sherfield encouraged those present to contact her directly so that she can keep Representative Chestnut up-to-date on all issues and concerns and what the priorities are in funding. Delburn encouraged contacts to Representative Perry’s office, allegra dosage chart and Ms. Zooberg encouraged contacts to Senator Oelrich’s office. Hirsch informed those present that allegra dosage chart Library Day will be held in Tallahassee on March 29, 2011 and that ACLD staff would be contacting Legislative Assistants to schedule meetings with each Legislator and their staff on Library Day. ACLD Main Menu ALACHUA COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY – APRIL 20, allegra dosage chart 2011 - 5:30 PM HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY, FOUNDATION ROOM, 401 EAST UNIVERSITY AVENUE, GAINESVILLE, FL Present: Chair Kim allegra dosage chart Worley, Vice Chair Vivian Filer, Trustees Dorothy Field, Xavier Monroe, Gloria Moore, and Ora White Absent: Sheila Dickison Others Present: Administrative Services Division Director Shaney Livingston, Financial Services Administrator Debra Jackson, Technical Services Administrator Daniel Barden, Public Services Administrator for Headquarters Chris Culp, Assistant to the Library Director Terry Rasch, Micanopy Branch Senior Library Specialist Carla Caudill, Staff Assistant Stephanie Ksionzyk, Alachua County Human Resources Manager Kim Baldry, Human Resources allegra dosage chart Generalist Janet Eicher, FOL President Dr. Worley, Trustees Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm with a quorum present. MINUTES OF MEETING The Minutes were approved by consensus, as submitted. GUESTS AND SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (No items submitted in this category. Board of Trustees Ad hoc Committee Library Director Search Ms. Baldry, Alachua County Human Resources Manager, distributed and presented an overview of the two Ad hoc Committee meetings concerning the recruitment process for the Library Director position. Moore, Trustee, asked for clarification about the discussion held during the previous Board of Trustees meeting concerning the minimum qualifications. At the April 28, 2011, Governing Board meeting, Ms. Worley will present a proposed allegra dosage chart schedule for recruitment. 00, which includes funds for mileage, airfare, hotel, meals, a reception for the community and staff to meet candidates, advertisements, and various printing and materials. Additional funds may be needed for relocation costs.
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