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Additionally, WIC Services are now provided at the High Springs Branch on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 10:00 a. More information about WIC can be found at http://www. Pictured: University of Florida Physician Assistant Studies and other groups help staff the Outreach Mobile Clinic. FOR PHOTOS AND ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Contact Nickie Kortus at (352) 334-3909, nkortus@aclib. us, or the Mobile Outreach Clinic, http://outreach. edu/ or contact Colette Cimino, University of Florida College of Medicine, (352) 273-5329, ccimino@ufl. Board of Trustees Meeting, 08/17/11 -A +A Search for books and more: Website survey Please rate this page based on: 5 (Satisfied)4321 (Not Satisfied) Ability to find information you want Board of Trustees Meeting, 09/21/11 -A +A Search for books and more: ACLD Main Menu ALACHUA COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY – MARCH 16, 2011 - 5:30 PM HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY, FOUNDATION ROOM, 401 EAST UNIVERSITY AVENUE, GAINESVILLE, FL Present: Chair Kim Worley, Vice Chair Vivian Filer, Trustees Sheila Dickison, Dorothy Field, Xavier Monroe, allegra pregnancy class and Ora White Absent: Gloria Moore Others Present: Administrative Services Division Director Shaney Livingston, Public Services Division Director Marlene Harris, Financial allegra pittsburgh services Administrator Debra Jackson, Administrative Services Administrator Suzi Blaze, Technical Services Administrator Daniel Barden, Assistant to the Library Director Terry Rasch, Administrative Assistant Jan Scales, Staff Assistant Stephanie Ksionzyk, Alachua County allegra pregnancy class Human Resources Manager Kim Baldry, Human Resources Generalist Janet Eicher, Alachua County Litigation Attorney Bill Harlan, FOL President Dr. Peter Roode, Foundation Chair Marjorie allegra pregnancy class Alexander, and Joanne Auth I. Worley, Trustees Chair, called the allegra pregnancy class meeting to order at 5:30 pm with a quorum present. Livingston, Administrative Services Division Director, corrected an error in Item VI. Filer, allegra pregnancy class Trustee Vice Chair, moved to allegra pregnancy class approve the revised agenda. MINUTES OF MEETING The Minutes were approved by consensus, as submitted. Process for Library Director Search Ms. Baldry, Human Resources Manager, presented the Trustees with a draft calendar for the Library Director hiring process. She called for volunteers from the Trustees to allegra pregnancy class form an Ad hoc Committee that would develop criteria for selecting candidates and narrow the number of applications to bring before the Board of Trustees. Filer volunteered to serve on the Ad hoc Committee, along with Ms. Baldry distributed the Library Director Classification description to the Trustees. Discussion followed regarding the minimum qualifications and whether or not they should be broadened. Harlan stated any changes to the minimum qualifications would require approval of the Library District Governing Board. White, Trustee, moved to forward the minimum qualifications to the Governing Board and suggest they consider expanding the educational qualifications to include individuals that are currently pursuing an MLS. The first meeting of the Ad hoc Committee will be held on March 23, 2011 at 9 am in the Alachua County Human Resources conference room. Pension Advisory Committee Report Ms. Field reported that at their February 9, 2011, meeting, the Pension allegra pregnancy class Advisory Committee heard reports from Dan Johnson, the Bogdahn Group; Frederica Daniels, USI Consulting; and representatives from Regents Trust. Hutchinson, Alachua County Finance Director, were added to those authorized to rebalance our accounts. Roode, Friends of the Library President, announced that the next Book Sale will begin on April 16, 2011. Volunteers are putting in extra time preparing, and things are on schedule.
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