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Roode, Friends of the Library President, seconded Ms. Foundation Board of Directors Report Mr. Davis, Foundation Vice Chair, distributed the Foundation’s Annual Report. He reported that the Foundation Gala with Michael Connelly had over 240 people in attendance, and the net proceeds totaled $29,000. He also gave a brief overview of the Foundation’s Endowment Fund. The Foundation received a $2,500 donation to the Endowment Fund from the Ehrhart Family Foundation (former Trustee Carol Higman’s Family Trust). Hirsch, Library Director, reported that the Kosman Foundation makes an annual contribution of $2,000 in Guy Hudspeth’s name to the Foundation to honor a staff member with a leaf on Katherine’s Tree. He announced this year’s recipient is Phillis Filer, allegra 018 public Services Administrator for Branches. Report on the Alachua County Legislative Delegation Hearing Mr. Hirsch provided a brief overview of his presentation to the Legislative Delegation, which focused on Cone Park, State Aid, Multi-type Library Cooperatives, and the Community Libraries in Caring Grants. Staff will make appointments to meet with Legislators and will be setting up a meeting with the Legislative Delegation and the Board of Trustees. The tentative date is January 19, 2011, at the Millhopper Branch. If possible, the Trustees will meet directly following. Worley presented the compiled evaluation and commended Mr. Hirsch asked that the Trustees not recommend a salary adjustment to the Governing Board due to the timing of his allegro realty dallas anniversary date. All staff, including the allegro realty dallas Library Director, will receive a net bonus rather than a salary adjustment and merit increase during the current fiscal year. Dickison, Trustee, pointed out that a correction was needed under the Summary Rating to reflect that six Trustees awarded an Outstanding rating, and one awarded an Exceeds allegro realty dallas Job Standards rating. Filer moved to approve, sign, and forward the complied evaluation to the Governing Board. Board of Trustees allegro realty dallas Self-Assessment Mr. Hirsch presented the procedure for the Board of Trustees Self-Assessment. Trustees should complete and return individual Self-Assessments to Ms. Rasch, Assistant to the Library Director, by January 7, allegro realty dallas 2011. As requested, electronic copies will be sent to the Trustees. White informed the Trustees allegro realty dallas that she felt at a disadvantage when filling out assessments since she is a new member but would answer honestly and to the allegro realty dallas best of her ability. White could bring a different perspective as a new member and has the ability to focus on her expectations for the Board. There was discussion regarding question number four on the assessment, which asks if the Board allegra overdose effects is widely representative of allegro realty dallas Alachua County. A question was raised concerning whether or not there is a residency requirement for Trustees. Monroe, Trustee, mentioned that he lives in an unincorporated area of Gainesville but is currently a representative of the City of Gainesville on the Board. Hirsch will look into the matter to see if there is a residential requirement. Policy allegro realty dallas Statement Interlibrary Loan Mr. Field moved to approve the revised policy and forward to the Governing Board. Policy Statement Confidentiality of Patron Records Mr. Discussion followed regarding the phrase “judicial order”. The disparity among the judicial levels is addressed in the proposed policy so that records are released in a proper and legal way and protect patrons. White asked if and how staff is notified of policy changes. Hirsch responded that managers and staff are notified, policies are publicized on the intranet, and hard copies are kept at each branch. Field moved to approve the revised policy and forward to the Governing Board. Policy Statement Library Bill of Rights Mr. The American Library Association (ALA) periodically updates its Library Bill of Rights, which is referenced in this policy, and the proposed revisions state that ACLD will update and maintain these changes without bringing them to the Boards, unless there is something highly unusual. White moved to approve the revised policy and forward to the Governing Board. Report on the Florida Library Association Fall 2010 Regional Friends, Foundations, and Boards Workshop Ms. Hirsch highlighted some of the ideas and insights regarding advocacy, membership, and fundraising that were presented by Sally Reed, Executive Director of the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) at the Workshop. Hirsch also conducted a tour of the Hawthorne, Waldo, and Library Partnership Branches following the Workshop for Ms.
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